About Me

As the founder of My Meaningful Voice, my journey has been deeply influenced by my belief in human dignity and in experiencing what it felt like to have that dignity violated. In 2010, I experienced the darkness of sexual violence, yet the support of a compassionate advocate ignited a flicker of light within me. This sparked a passionate commitment to empowering others and upholding their inherent worth. Through my undergraduate studies and the guidance of a mentor, I embraced the term "survivor" and recognized the profound importance of human dignity. Every individual deserves to be valued, respected and treated ethically simply because they are human. This belief became the driving force behind my endeavors. Motivated to make a lasting impact, I pursued a master's degree in college student personnel, immersing myself in the communities where change is most needed. Confronting high-risk situations and challenging stereotypes, I became an advocate for those whose voices often go unheard. Guided by the principles of human dignity, I focused on addressing issues of sexual assault and promoting bystander prevention, empowering individuals to reclaim their narratives. However, my journey took an unexpected turn as I became a mother and faced significant challenges in feeling like my voice mattered during the postpartum period. The weight of societal expectations and the struggle to balance motherhood with my passion for advocacy added a new layer to my understanding of the importance of human dignity. I realized that empowering others to find their voices also meant embracing and nurturing my own. Today, as the founder of My Meaningful Voice, I am deeply committed to honoring human dignity in all its forms. I recognize that each person, regardless of their background or circumstances, possesses a unique and valuable voice. Through our comprehensive programs and services, we strive to create spaces where individuals can discover and amplify their authentic voices, while also fostering an inclusive environment where all voices are respected and valued. At My Meaningful Voice, we understand that human dignity is essential in every aspect of life - from personal conduct to community interactions. We encourage individuals to embody dignity, respect, and empathy in their daily lives. By doing so, we inspire positive change and contribute to a society where everyone's inherent worth is acknowledged. As a mother, survivor, and advocate, I am passionate about empowering others to recognize the significance of their own voices. My personal journey has taught me the transformative power of embracing and honoring human dignity. Through My Meaningful Voice, I strive to create a supportive community where individuals can find solace, strength, and empowerment and become leaders. Together, let us champion human dignity, uplift voices, and build a future where every individual is heard, valued, and empowered to make a meaningful impact. Sincerely, Nicole R. Sargent










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